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Lab Core Values

The lab upholds core values that must be embraced by anyone wishing to join, whether for a short visit or a longer commitment. Our goal is to provide a productive, friendly and welcoming environment where exceptional science and thriving careers can flourish.

Scientific integrity and excellence


We aim to conduct meaningful, high-quality research. This often entails ambitious and resource-intensive projects that demand professionalism in generating and publishing results. Core principles include reproducibility and avoiding overstepping and overselling findings. Some key attributes for success in this lab and science in general are:


  • Knowing the literature: many smart people have shaped these discussions before us

  • Teamwork and generosity: always look for mutualistic interactions

  • Proactivity and determination: do the best you can do

  • Focus and professionalism: respect colleagues and lab resources

  • Curiosity: Good science doesn't "show that things happen", but rather "tests whether they do".



Zero tolerance for harassment


The lab is committed to a workplace free from all forms of harassment. Common examples include unwanted sexualized interactions, inappropriate physical contact, comments on appearance, and racial or gender-based stereotypes.


Be mindful of how your actions might be perceived and their potential impact on others. When in doubt, err on the side of caution. For guidance, please refer to the recent document issued by CAPES (Brazilian higher education committee).



Let yourself be heard


If you need a break, feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or experience harassment, we encourage open dialogue with the PI or a designated student representative. Sharing such experiences can be difficult, and your choice to report anonymously or to remain silent will always be respected.


Work hard, live easy


While we are dedicated to research excellence, we also encourage a healthy work-life balance and fully respect individual preferences for separating personal and professional lives.


Question authority


Hierarchies are a natural part of any workplace but should be grounded in expertise and merit. Titles or seniority alone do not justify authority. Academic and scientific hierarchies naturally dissolve when students surpass their mentors, fulfilling the ultimate goal of education.

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